Easy Dressing Ideas for your next College Party

college party t-shirts

College parties are the mainstay for the years that you are going to spend during college. And you will always have the problem of what to wear for these parties. These are the events of music, dance, booze, and let’s face it, of sweaty people and very untidy floor. Whenever you are faced with the question of what to wear for the college parties, your first instinct is to take out your latest wardrobe collection or your favourite t-shirt because these are the non-official cultural events of your college life, and you want to look at your best for these moments.

Well, we did see your instincts and the very first thing that you need to do is to avoid those very instincts and tread carefully when we are concerned with the clothes related to events like college parties. There are a few simple don’ts that one needs to follow and then he or she is good to go.

The very first thing that you don’t need to do is that your first instinct of taking out something new, something you have as your best, you want to wear that to the party. Don’t do that. Because those are the pieces either really new or have a value that can’t be replaced easily if they are damaged in that party, and believe me, they will get damaged as no one is careful with things at college parties.

Do not wear fancy jackets or pullovers at those parties because those are very likely to get trampled or taken up by some random guy from the pile of jackets. And the last don’t is that do not wear shoes which are expensive and difficult to clean as well because those are the things that will be ruined the most during the night.

Easy Dressing Tips for College Party

  • Always pick up something easily replaceable and especially nothing that has much of sentimental value for you. Pickup outfits which you know would be easily taken care if they got messed up. T-shirts are the best choice that you have when being in such a problem because t-shirts are one of those pieces of outfits which are really easily replaced because these come in very similar designs most of the times and the t-shirts are not all that expensive as well.
  • Pair the t-shirt with dark coloured denim. The combination of both will make you look cool at the party and yet simple. The advantage of the denim will be that you will look slightly rough and tough. The darker shade of the denim will offer you an added advantage in case something spills. There would be less likely chances that you may have to get rid of that piece permanently. You always have the advantage of looking good in dark coloured denim.
  • Try sweatshirts instead of jackets or pullovers. Sweatshirts are easily replaceable and easily washable, which makes it a better choice as jackets. And if it gets picked up by some other guy, then you don’t have to lose much as well.

Well, it is up to you to follow these tips while dressing for college party. If you need to go through tshirt collections, then you can log on to Flipkart, Amazon, etc.